
Patio Construction!

For months we have been fighting a losing battle with mud around the entrances to the prototypes. But two nights ago my brother-in-law showed up with a dump truck full of 3/4" gravel. Jen and I had spent a few hours gathering stone from around the property in order to create a perimeter, everything being "dry laid". It was fun dirty work and we are quite pleased with the results. No more mud and less of a step up into both containers. Plus it looks pretty cool too. As the stone settles we will have to make adjustments and see to it that things stay relatively level. And if we get bored of the patterns its easy to modify. Initially we just planned on having a 10' x 10' area but with so much gravel now at our disposal it was decided to try and connect the patio with the fire pit with a short foot path. For now I think its going to work great!

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