
First Night Charged Up!

Although last night we officially had light via the LED track lighting system. Tonight was the first time running off the small but plucky battery that spent a good portion of the day at the receiving end of the Solar Panel's relentless absorption of the Sun's rays. And despite a dreary overcast day we measured a steady 13 Volts from the roof. You have to love the warm-white LED's, to think this could be the source of much of our light for the next 20 years is astounding. And the modular nature of the track lighting allows for some interesting possibilities. Its great to finally see these state-of-the-art diodes work their magic! I sat and read a book tonight for two hours using less than 2 watts of electricity at a time. The book: "The Box: How the Shipping Container Made the World Smaller and the World Economy Bigger"


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