
Summer is flying by.....

Greetings fans of the ArkHaus! We apologize for the delay in updates, our laptop is having battery issues and its been a real bummer but we're working on getting that fixed.

In early July we were invited to speak at an event called "Pecha Kutcha" in Blue Hill, Maine. We had to present 20 photos and spend 20 seconds talking about each photo for a total of 6 minutes. It was a lot of fun and the host of the event will be emailing me the video so I will be sure to upload that as soon as I get it.

Last week we were a guest on Sweet Peas Podcast, a homesteading internet radio show here in Maine. Once again as soon as that is uploaded we will be sure to have a link here.

Our College of the Atlantic intern, and good friend, Devin, has been hard at work here drawing up blueprints to expand off the containers.

We hired a concrete company to come out four days ago to pour cement into our frost piers and tomorrow our neighbor up the road who owns Fresh Water Stone will be using his crane to lift the containers onto the piers. This will be a big day for us and we will document the lift to share with everyone!

On September 28th 2011 we will be speaking at the Maine Audobon Center. They are starting up a new program called "Living Lightly" and we will be their first guest speaker. We encourage you to come out.

We are planning our wedding which is a month away in the midst of all the construction, and will continue to update the website as much as possible.

Thanks again for supporting The ArkHaus!

-Jen & Trevor