Greetings fans of the ArkHaus! We are excited to announce the grand opening of our online store!
Please have a look around and thank you for supporting the ArkHaus Initiative and our mission for environmental sustainability and existential harmony with the world.
The ArkHaus Crew
ArkHaus Store
Delicious ArkHaus Tetris Cupcakes!
These were amazing! I made them over the weekend. Combining 2 of my favorite elements, Tetris & tasty treats, they were a big hit among our friends. :)
["Hi Reddit!"]
Passive Systems Study
A quick look at some of the systems we're putting together for ARK160B. We're very excited about the two Savonius turbines being assembled on site. Once operational they will increase our electrical production ten fold! The modest solar array that has been quietly trickle charging our 12 volt system since September suffered damage a few weeks ago due to strong winds. Nature's way of telling us to tap into the awesome potential of the Wind here at the Farm. Ultimately I see our photovoltaic system taking a back seat to both Wind and Water/Hydroelectricity.
Although half of winter has already passed us by we'll still appreciate passively heating the Studio with my new favorite heating concept. The Solar Furnace! I'm anxious to get the first one operational and run some tests so be sure to keep an eye out for more information on this Special Project.
Winterization Update for February
For most of the winter things have been pretty slow around the Compound (or as I like to refer to it - "Mud Island"). I've been preoccupied with the work that needs to be done on the Deuce first before we can make the final few supply runs up here necessary to complete the interior of ARK160A and get the Savonius Wind Turbine operational.
You can expect the next few weeks to bring more updates as Winter subsides. Soon we'll also have a new section on the website about the Arkhaus Initiative's latest aquistion - a 1970 M35A2 "Multi-fuel" cargo truck and Jennifer's homemade healthy dog treats!