Today turned out to be a fantastic day! A light rain followed by strong wind and plenty of sunshine! A fellow compatriot brought up a selection of firearms and a milk crate full of ammunition which we happily unloaded into some clay pigeons for an hour or so. Good fun! I'll be posting some videos soon I filmed today at the Compound so stay tuned...
The ArkHaus featured on
What is a Containerist?
It’s a moniker I created for a person who lives inside a container home or at least has the desire to do so (such as myself). Why do I want to live in a container home? It seems to me that there is a statement to be made by living in one–similar to hybrid cars and wind farms. It’s a cool thing which impacts the environment in a beneficial way. - T.H
I recently got in touch with a multi-talented fan of alternative living who owns his name is Terry Herb and his website is jam packed with a variety of information, ranging from Pre-Fab structures to current environmental issues and what changes you can make to turn your lifestyle into a more sustainable/economical one. Check him out!
Rain Harvesting Update!
The first phase of the Rain Water Harvesting Roof is officially operational as of this past week. We still have to run the hose and assemble the pump system to bring the water up from the 55 gallon drum on the ground to the 275 gallon poly tank on the roof for long term storage (Phase Two).
I had hoped to catch last weeks rain but it was not to be. However, tonight it poured from about 5PM till 9PM. We were able to harvest somewhere between 20-30 gallons! Not too shaby for the first harvest here at the "Moisture Farm!"
My Father and I also elevated the second Container onto block and leveled her last week. Meanwhile Jen has been helping me paint the main Container and I dug out a new stone camp fire ring!
Foosball & French Doors!
Jen has finished installing the insulated subfloor in Ark B, her first official foray into carpentry! It looks great and is rock solid.
A foosball table was donated to us by some friends of the Initiative who could no longer enjoy its hulking presence in their apartment. We had just talked about how much fun it'd be to have one of these up there at the Compound last week, then the other night we were visiting some friends of ours and complimented them on their table when they offered it to us for free (As long as we dragged it out of their ourselves). So we just couldn't pass it up!
Jen found the French Doors on Craigslist, they're more than 300 dollars a piece at retail, but she only had to shell out 75 bucks for both! They'll look fantastic and allow for tons of light year round and when both are open it will be great for air circulation too.
Marine Diesel Heater
The Bulkhead Mounted heater was originally in a fishing trawler that sailed out of San Diego. My Father donated it to the project after winning it at auction on Ebay! Its no frills, stainless steel, diesel burning design is ideal as an efficient heating solution for the main Ark Prototype. Like Jen's Mercedes Benz 240D this will be a two tank WVO burning system.
Craig Seip
Chief Technical Supervisor
Project Foreman
Craig has an extensive background in shipbuilding, carpentry and cabinetry. Decades of experience working for companies including Wayfarer Marine in Camden, Maine. One of his masterpieces, a nautical themed "Teardrop" style travel-trailer, is a fantastic example of his craftsmanship, attention to detail and ingenuity. The trailer can sleep two, has a kitchenette and even DVD! He has traveled up and down the Eastern Seaboard several times since its completion. People have stopped him on the road just to ask about it.
He has donated not just his time and expertise to the Arkhaus Initiative but also several tools and most notably the awesome bulkhead mounted diesel cabin stove which will keep the Ark nice and warm in the Winter!